
Questão sobre Vocabulário: Escola e Lugares da Comunidade


Originais Teachy


Vocabulário: Escola e Lugares da Comunidade


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Questão Médio de Inglês

The following text is an extract from 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl: 'The parents, instead of applauding her, called her a noisy chatterbox and told her sharply that small girls should be seen and not heard.' In this sentence, what is the author's perspective about Matilda's parents' attitude towards her communication in the family context?
The author's perspective about Matilda's parents' attitude towards her communication in the family context is negative.
The author's perspective about Matilda's parents' attitude towards her communication in the family context is indifferent.
The author's perspective about Matilda's parents' attitude towards her communication in the family context is neutral.
The author's perspective about Matilda's parents' attitude towards her communication in the family context is supportive.
The author's perspective about Matilda's parents' attitude towards her communication in the family context is positive.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id consequat justo. Cras pellentesque urna ante, eget gravida quam pretium ut. Praesent aliquam nibh faucibus ligula placerat, eget pulvinar velit gravida. Nam sollicitudin pretium elit a feugiat. Vestibulum pharetra, sem quis tempor volutpat, magna diam tincidunt enim, in ullamcorper tellus nibh vitae turpis. In egestas convallis ultrices.
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